Click a key to add a new mapping
Press a keyboard key or gamepad button
This is a display for the M8 Headless firmware running on a Teensy 4.1, or a real M8 device. You can use keyboard and gamepad input or use on-screen controls. Where possible, the audio output from the M8 is routed to your default audio output device. Firmware can be installed and updated from the menu.
By default the arrow keys on your keyboard map to the arrow keys on the M8. Shift is Left Shift, Play is Space, Option is Z, and Edit is X. These control mappings and other settings can be configured from the menu.
A virtual keyboard from A to ' lets you send MIDI notes. Use -/= to change octaves and [/] to change velocity.
Now that this page has loaded it will work completely offline. All settings are stored locally by your browser.
Source code and more details are available at
Build 2023-06-30T21:53:05 6037d59
Select a firmware file
Loading file...
The selected file does not appear to be a valid Teensy 4.1 firmware file
Connect your Teensy board and press the little button on the board
The selected device does not appear to be a Teensy 4.1
Ready to flash
There was an error flashing the device. You can try again.
Flashing completed successfully